As the temperature was slowly dropping in November, the party scene in Korea was just warming up! After our incredible trip to Seoraksan, we decided to embrace the Korean nightlife and give it a go. The month of November felt like we were back in University; drinking excessively, going out all night and having so much fun it felt as though it was illegal. Our first of many nights out was on November 11, or Peppero Day, which is a big deal in Korea. Unlike in Canada where we reserve this day for remembrance, Korea celebrates November with a much commercialized "festival" (I use the term loosely since Koreans have a festival for everything). For this particular event, stores sell chocolate covered candy sticks, called peppero sticks, which you are supposed to give to the ones you love and care about. Good thing nobody told me about this before I got to school... I was flooded with peppero sticks from my students and the staff. Of course, being completely oblivious to this peculiar holiday, I had none to give back.. Oops. Ah well, scratch that as another foreigner fail moment (which I seem to be having a lot of lately).